Antonia Jackson, 500RYT 

Antonia is a Registered 200 Hour Yoga Teacher and Level II Reiki Practitioner.

It is her passion for fitness, energy, and people that drives her commitment to lifelong learning and serving. Through her offerings it is her goal to inspire all to vibrate higher and make room to experience life as their highest self.

Erin LaMonica, 500RYT

I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training in spring of 2020 and began teaching right away. Since then I’ve taught online, in-person, indoors and outside. Ive taught multiple styles of classes over the years, but I don’t have a favorite style to teach or take. I enjoy a wide variety in my personal yoga practice and you’ll find that reflected in the classes I teach. I’ve continued to study yoga and completed my 300 hour in December of 2021. 

I welcomed our first child in 2022 and our second a couple of months ago. You might surprised how often I reflect back on yogic teachings when I am managing the stress, joy, and everything in between that comes with parenting a toddler and a newborn! I look forward to continuing to share my yoga practice with the community. 


Fran Didato, 500RYT 

Frances Didato is a 500 RYT. Additionally, Frances has pursued additional training in Yin, Restorative Yoga and Anatomy. Frances focuses on the celebration of movement in the dance of yoga; exploration of movement to breath; and the embodiment of the physical self in both movement and stillness in finding one's self in time and space - simply: being here.


Sophia Vaughan, RYT200 | REIKI I  

I'm a storyteller at heart, and I'm a self-employed writer and editor by trade. I've been practicing yoga for over two decades, after stepping into my first yoga class as a freshman at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon in 2002. We did Lion's Breath and Butterfly Pose and eye exercises to start the class, and it was so playful and fun! Savasana felt impossible — I was 19 and angsty — but my  Crow, though! 

Yoga has been with me throughout my adult life, from coast to coast, through addiction and recovery, through college, through marriage, through pregnancy and childbirth and postpartum, through divorce and remarriage and blending a new family, through chronic pain diagnosis, and through healing my body and mind. Over the years, I've found that a regular yoga practice — physical, mental, and lifestyle — is crucial to my wellbeing. 

Once I began taking classes with trauma-informed instructors who keep body awareness and body positivity at the core of their offerings, I realized how my practice could actually help me heal decades (generations!) of trauma. In 2022, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and the link between mental trauma and the physical body became crystal clear. So did my path: I knew that somehow I wanted to help people find peace in their minds and comfort in their bodies.

In October of 2023, I decided to leave my full-time job to pursue self-employment, and I enrolled in the Highland Square School of Yoga's 200-hr YTT program. I graduated from that program in the Spring of 2024 and am currently a RYT200. My teacher training journey is just getting started. I continue my studies to deepen my understanding of the body, the breath, yogic philosophy, sound healing, and Reiki, with the eventual goal of becoming a Certified Yoga Therapist.

I love any kind of flow, but my favorite classes to teach revolve around meditation, restorative and yin postures, and breathwork. I like to incorporate readings, ritual, and sound. I offer gentle hands-on assists and Reiki to my students, and playlists are my passion project. I offer lots of variations, and I encourage students to listen to what feels right to their bodies at each moment. I want my students to feel completely supported, safe, and empowered.



Jacy Guider, YT200

I received my 200-hr certification in June of 2022 at Shoshoni Yoga Ashram in Rollinsville, Colorado. I spent a month living in the mountains where I was able to connect with myself, learn what yoga means to me & discover how I can make a beautiful experience for other yogis. My classes are intentional in challenging the physical body and mind. I always remind my students that once they step on their mat, it's their own experience, so they should find what feels good in their body. You'll hear me say "come back to your breath", as I think it's the best way to connect the mind and body through a meditative movement. I also spend a good amount of time creating music playlists to get you into the best flow state possible. If you see me in the studio, say hi


Ashely Johnson, YT200

Since the start of my yoga journey, I have been rewiring the idea of contentment. In the past when I found myself in places I worked hard to be, a little voice inside of me would sneak in and whisper questions of purpose. For many years I’d sail through waves of uncertainty trying to put a label on my life in a way society deemed acceptable. 

Starting as a purely physical endeavor, I never would have expected my practice to challenge and reroute the trajectory of my life- past and present. Working my body into advanced asanas quickly turned into working my mind further into awareness and it has proven to be just as challenging… and frustrating and exciting … and most of all rewarding at the end of the day.
I love to explore ways to teach whether it be through Dharma talk, a funky fun transition, or even finding stillness in unexpected places. My classes will give you space to dive into meditation through movement and breath, and I encourage every student to show up authentically and move through the practice in the way they need.  I can’t wait to move and breathe with you.



Lisa Bischoff, RYT200 | MRT | REIKI II 

I first started practicing yoga in 2013, and over the years, my practice has taken its fair share of waxing and waning, cycling from something I see as a pillar of my lifestyle to something I may not have focused on as much for weeks (or months). What I have learned over time is that yoga, as a practice, is about so much more than just the physical act of coming to your mat. Yoga to me embodies how we help ourselves come home, time and time and time again, to our own body, mind, and breath. It is an honor to be able to guide others to this space within themselves and to help provide a holistic approach to yoga in my classes. 
My classes focus on feeling empowered to be authentic and original, to listen to your body and honor what it's asking for in the present moment, and to feel confident in your choices. I am trained in Trauma-Informed Yoga and in adaptive yoga for individuals who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion. I also have extensive training in yoga for active military and veterans, encouraging these brave and honorable communities to feel connected and safe in the space they occupy. I like to create a multisensory experience - curated music, adjusted lighting (and natural light!), scented towels, individual affirmation cards + intentions, and hands-on assists and reiki with consent are all things you may experience in one of my classes. 
When I'm not teaching or practicing yoga, you can typically find me hanging out with my husband James and our son, Oliver; baking up a storm in the kitchen; soaking up as much sun as is possible (depending on the time of year); or curling up with a great non-fiction book, a hot cup of coffee, and a cozy blanket.

Jamie Wiant I 200YT | REIKI II

This is such a full circle moment for me! My yoga journey began with a patio yoga class in June 2020 with HARVEST. I found such a connection to the studio and real sense of being. I found that yoga provided me an outlet that I didn't have before. I found that as I continued I wanted to learn more, see more, and do more. I wanted to learn different poses, try new challenges, work through injuries and move my body in a way that made me feel confident. Above all of the physical aspects, I found a connection to spirituality that I never experienced or had before. HARVEST helped to cultivate that plus more. 

I am beyond blessed to have the ability to give back to the community that has given and continues to give me so much. I strive to provide an authentic class each and every time. I incorporate chakras, mudras and the Yama and Niyama's, along with real life experiences into each class and flow. My hope and goal is that every body and everybody takes what they need from class and leaves what they don't. This is your space, your time, and your practice... I am simply a guide along the way.

Rachel Schmidt I  RYT -200 | Reiki Level I

I was born and raised in NE Ohio, and despite the weather I actually love it here. Haha! I need lots of plants and greenery in my life (inside and out) and this is it, baby! I have to start by saying, growing up is confusing for everyone I think and I struggled with body image and self confidence for a long time. It seemed like I could always give to others what I couldn’t give to myself. I began Massage Therapy school at age 18 and slowly started to build those self care habits that lead me to nurture myself, too. 

Not long after, my sister introduced me to restorative yoga. The amount of clarity that bubbled up for me during those quiet evenings after a long days work were both insightful and astounding. The road to self love was a long one to say the least, which required a lot of self affirmation, but yoga and massage therapy helped me to move through trauma and self destructive thought patterns and finally into a direction of healing. I turned to yoga because it helps take away some of the heaviness in life. Yoga reminds me to breath deeper and be in the present moment when life gets away from us. I hope I can share that with my future students! 

I love what I do. I started my own Massage Therapy practice in Fairlawn, called ‘Body Positive Massage Therapy’ and it is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I have a lot of hobbies that bring me great joy in my life. Drawing and wood burning designs are some of my favorites! I play guitar, piano, ukulele and sing in a music duo with my partner, Steve, called ‘Rocks and Roots’. We like to play country and rock covers when we’re not playing our own original folk/rock tunes! You’ll usually find us playing on the sunset rock at Kendal Ledges or The Nature Realm in the summer, and various local wineries near our home town of Ravenna, OH. 


I first took a yoga class back when I was a freshman in college when looking for a way to get healthy. I floated in and out of practice trying to find a movement style that I enjoyed. Barre was my first love because of form and hands on corrections. It was where I learned how breath is important. I picked up yoga after and decided to go through my yoga teacher training in the summer of 2018 in Spain. It was an intensive, but fully immersive experience, and I do not regret it. I practice  to seek out the enjoyment that movement brings not only to my body, but my mind as well. My classes can range from challenging and sweaty to slow and controlled to extremely relaxed. I love the different varieties I teach because I think there’s more than one way to move and oftentimes our bodies go through phases that call for certain movements. I am a licensed skydiver as well - so you might see me floating up in the sky on good weather days!


When I first began my yoga journey, I was seeking much more than just stretching. I yearned for something where I could fall in love myself as it was something that I lacked. The moment I stepped onto my mat, I found that it was a place where I could be authentically myself. No judgement, no pressure to be something that I’m not and overall just beaming with self love. As a teacher it is my goal to give that feeling back to others. I feel as though self love and self care are the most important practices we can do in our day to day lives. Whether it’s on or off the mat, we can take yoga everywhere we go. If you allow yourself to go deep enough into the body and listen to what it needs in that moment, you’re already participating in that beautiful practice. As a teacher I welcome all of my students to do what feels good for them. My overall goal is for everyone to walk out of class with contentment and a sense of ease. To bring gratitude towards yourself for where the practice took you while finding your own personal flow. Namaste.




I love to teach! I love to hold space, especially for women, teens and children. A clinical social worker turned yogi, my mission is to share yoga and mindfulness as resources toward healing from anxiety, grief and trauma (self included!). I have extensive training around trauma-informed yoga and facilitate trainings for yoga instructors, counselors and educators on teaching yoga and mindfulness practices through this lens.

My teaching style is rooted in the elements, moving between earth, water and fire as we flow, breathe, release and connect. Music fuels my classes; don't be surprised if we end up singing, laughing or crying together...those are the cornerstones of true connection anyway, right. In every class, with any age yogi, my goal is always to create space for students to take ownership over their own experience and find moments to just BE.

My intention in this crazy beautiful life is to be a conduit of change; I truly believe that each of us has the capacity for resilience and grace, if given the opportunity to uncover it. When I am not teaching or practicing yoga, you can find me with my kiddos, obsessing over the perfect yoga playlist, warming up my coffee for the 20th time or chasing the sunshine.




I am passionate about intentional rest and relaxation as a means of deep healing and connection to self. After struggling for many years with trauma, I have found profound relief and real healing through my yoga practice, especially restorative yoga. Now (thankfully) a changed person, my priority is to provide a safe space for others to cultivate their own self-love and healing. My classes often include an abundance of blankets and props, Reiki, grounding body scans, guided breathing, and extreme comfiness! I love encouraging everyone to listen to their bodies and do whatever feels right. I’m merely a guide and if you don’t want to do what I suggest, by all means, do you! Body awareness and relaxing into pain or discomfort are helpful tools that I've gathered throughout my own journey and I love sharing these gifts with my students. I believe the more we can tune into what our bodies are trying to share with us, and the better we get at interpreting these signals, the more enjoyable and easy life becomes. I also relish in the sacred silence that comes from letting the body and the mind slip away during practice, getting into the deep meditative state of Ashunya - that state of being in between consciousness and sleep. Everything is still, calm and quiet, and it is pure magic!

When I'm is not on my mat, I'm probably outside soaking up the sun and all the Earth has to offer. The Metroparks and the Cuyahoga Valley National Park are my favorite places to get grounded and connect with nature, which has been another key aspect in my healing process! I enjoy traveling the country in my Chevy Express camper van and my favorite places to hike are Utah, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta, Canada. I run a jewelry and decor business centered around crystals, stones and nature called Saguara and I often vend at various markets on the weekends. I also enjoy sharing Reiki with clients and one-on-one restorative yoga classes. In addition, I am a certified Regenerative Detoxification Specialist and I offer yoga, Reiki, and herbs to my clients to assist in healing and rebuilding their lives after serious illness or trauma. Helping others realize their potential for healing and growth is what makes me excited to wake up each day.





I started my yoga journey years ago and had no idea where it would lead me. Throughout this adventure I realized that I just love to learn everything I can about yoga. A question pops into my head, leads to another, I break out my books, the Google search begins and before I know it its way past my
bedtime and I’ve learned that… I will always be learning! We never stop growing our knowledge, understanding more about yoga and how it can help us in our daily lives. Yoga is a continuous project, working on one’s self, trying, failing and succeeding. Yoga truly meets you where you are right now. If
you think “I am to __________ for yoga”, I encourage you to try it. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how it can help improve every aspect of your life.

My background definitely reflects on how I teach. I danced for 18 years, played a few instruments, joined Crossfit for a few years, and ride my bike any time the weather allows. I like to create classes that will provide the student with an experience, or something they can take away that helps in another
aspect of their daily routine. Maybe it’s a class where you can get lost in the music and the flow or, a class focused around a specific pose, that helps stretch or strengthen a specific muscle group. Making sure students are comfortable in my classes is a must; comfortable to ask questions, comfortable to
know that everyone’s pose may look different, and most importantly, to be comfortable in their own skin. Yoga has become something that will always be a part of my life, has helped me learn balance, and given me the tools to get through hard times. I look forward to meeting you wherever you are on your
yoga journey.  



I started practicing yoga my sophomore year of high school, as a way to get back into activity after having a history of serious injuries sustained from cheerleading & gymnastics. Yoga gave me a more gentle outlet for recovery while also challenging my body & my mind. After my first class I was hooked, and started practicing daily. I took my 200 Hr Teacher Training in the Summer of 2017, graduating just days before moving into college. I am currently a Junior at Kent State University where I am studying Marketing & Entrepreneurship. I have a passion for teaching yoga & for encouraging body positivity. My goal is to make everyone feel welcome and open to explore their practice regardless of body shape, beliefs, or predispositions. My teaching style is fiery and fun. Outside of teaching yoga you’ll find me working retail, singing, modeling, hiking, or hanging with some friends. Love & Light.



Yoga has the power to transform you from who you are trying to be to who you truly are! Yoga is magic!! This has become my personal mantra. Before yoga I lived my life from the outside in, deriving my value from my perception of how I believed others saw me. I spent years trying to find that, “ahhh, this is where I belong” feeling, searching for authenticity. When I began my yoga practice I was looking for the physical benefits....little did I know I would get that and so much more! I once had a teacher say, “yoga is incremental” that the changes we
experience happen slowly and are sometimes barely perceptible while they are taking place. Those increments lead to big change. THAT is the MAGIC of yoga!

Yoga has become a way of life for me. It’s taught me how to live from the inside out, realizing I can only show up for others if I show up for myself. Understanding that in order to love and serve others we must accept and value ourselves. THAT is the MAGIC of yoga. I have watched beautiful transformation in so many of my fellow yogis. I have seen yoga bring comfort and healing to those in all forms of pain-be it physical or emotional. THAT is the MAGIC of yoga! My desire as a teacher is to provide students with the tools to help you both on and off your mat-to help you discover YOUR personal strength and authenticity, your MAGIC!

When you come to class I ask that you be willing to step slightly out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, doing so with honor, self acceptance and love. Come to class with an open heart and
mind, ready to discover something new....and most important be ready and willing to laugh! We are in this together, learning and evolving. Let’s discover the MAGIC of yoga together!!




I’m a self-proclaimed vision and goals junkie. Self-development workshops, books and podcasts are my jam.  I feel most alive when I’m living in alignment with my goals and core values, but watching others do it is what really lights me up. The idea for HARVEST was born from a passion and desire to help others create the life they want. My dream for HARVEST is for us to serve as a catalyst for women: To be a space where opportunities, resources and tools can be gained.  For us to hold space for women to unapologetically be themselves and most importantly, to empower women to fully step into who they are meant to be. Most days you will find me at the studio working the front desk or behind the scenes. But in my off time I enjoy walking in nature, spending time with friends and family or my favorite way- at home with my husband and our two dogs.